What Is Sexual Health And Erectile Disorders

What is sexual health and erectile disorders


noman arshad

Every human have sex desire. Its natural like hunger and thirst. Its true If we don’t have food and water for long time then we can die and if any human male or female don’t have sex for long then he or she will not die but his her life will be for sure a living hell. So it is the 3rd most important requirement of a human life and one more the most important thing about sex that it is the only process for increase the human race. There will be no birth of any child with out having proper male female sex process with each other. Now for full filling this process both male and female are supposed to be fit. Medically and physiologically. So after the age of 18 every girl and boy must should know about sexual health. There are lot of ways to know sexual health. but the most easy way to know to get information is surely the internet. There are lot of websites on internet providing information on health issues and sexual health topics about disease and causes etc.there are lot of things involved in sexual health. Like having proper desire. now the desire have two aspects one is mental and two is physical. Now here we are going to talk about male sexual health issues. Some times a couple meet and they want to have sex but male don’t feel desire or he wants to do it but his body is not helping him like he is kissing and hugging and doing all the things he want but he is not getting erection .It means he is not sexually healthy and he has erectile disorders or erectile dysfunctions problem. Now again the reasons of erectile disorder are Medical and physiological.Infact lot of other things are involved in it too.Like meeting in proper private calm place. Having proper environment, Peace of mind. dating with out any sort of fear. not trying to do it in hurry etc.After that male sexual health is concerned. If some male have this erectile dysfunction problem then he must research properly on his problem about the causes of the issue and the solutions and the treatments. Some sites tells about physiological background of the problem,Some tells about medical aspects.in real life every one is to much busy in hectic routines.So in todays mechanical age humans are became machines also.so they don’t have time or proper mind for having such most important pleasure of life in a proper way .So one has to stop a while and think about it. People mostly hesitate to discuss their sexual issue with any friend, family member or even they feel uncomfortable to go to see the doctor.But they should take it seriously.Cause there is no life with happy sex life.If one don’t have healthy happy sex life then he cannot live happily.He can lose his gf,wife etc.And it will surely disturb his daily professional life.So it is the most important thing to know,understand,and treat sexual health problems if there are any.


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